Category: Uncategorized

  • The Legal Way

    The Legal Way

    Professor Anne Toomey McKenna looks at the many ways that our information being recorded for these companies is being used. She questions if these ways are legal. She finds that there are many loop holes and ways around collecting this information and how the companies are able to buy it and use it. This creates…

  • False Intentions To Consumers

    False Intentions To Consumers

    What are the False Intentions? The entire idea of big data is a created narrative, false intentions, from the beginning. It offers false results to the companies who are wanting consumers data, and giving false hopes to consumers. Many consumers are not aware of the ways their information is being used daily. With lack of…

  • Am I Recognized?

    Am I Recognized?

    Not So Easily Recognized Recognition is leading to false positives in data. Simply using the face can now give great access in life. Living in this new age world it is nice not to always have to keep a password. Recognition by facial analysis is my favorite feature on my iPhone. It makes everything much…

  • Facial Analysis

    Facial Analysis

    AI technology like facial analysis and the way it pushes prejudice biases and constant racism in the real world and online

  • Data’s Traces of Bias Against Minorities

    Data’s Traces of Bias Against Minorities

    Introduction to The Display Of Bias With Minorities Our readings this week show the ways big data is able to display bias against minorities. The idea of bias towards minorities has been etched into the American culture since the start. Multiple ways the week showed the ways big data is able to display bias against…

  • Social Media And Professional Spaces

    Social Media And Professional Spaces

    Social Media and Grad Students Being a grad student and learning how to create an identity and presence in your profession is a unique experience for each individual. Social Media and professional spaces are becoming intertwined as social spaces online allow for more communication. Students can find it hard to balance there personal persona and…

  • Looking At The Bigger Picture

    Looking At The Bigger Picture

    Understanding the importance of acquiring the data huge corporations are gaining and using.

  • Show Us The Numbers

    Show Us The Numbers

    Looking at the big data numbers in depth, and how they may not always tell the whole truth. The information they gather can be misleading.

  • Being “Socially Surveilled”. Make It stop !

    Controlled Socially Surveillance has a big presence socially throughout the internet. Alot of our conversations with some of our most closest friends and family are public information, yet the internet makes the way we communicate so easy. Kashmir Hill mentions that “Google, Apple, and Facebook provide my rolling Rolodex.” This reminds me of how we…

  • Going Cold Turkey?

    Going Cold Turkey?

    Going cold turkey on all social apps and platforms in order to protect one own privacy, surveillance, and data. With the hopes of better protection.