Slow-shutter image of a multi-tiered waterfall, with extensive moss growth around the lower tiers and grayish-brown rocks catching direct sunlight near the top.

Our Class Blog

Come along as we explore ways to navigate digital spaces while protecting our privacy and exerting agency over our identities and our data. New posts arrive each week from September through December, 2023.

  • Resisting privacy violations

    Resisting privacy violations

    Legal Resistance/Privacy Violations/Data Collection/Consent Uninformed; All of these apply to the issue of protecting privacy.

  • Data we have come to an end

    Data we have come to an end

    Big data companies could care less about my personal data, more or rather they want to have control over my decisions on the internet

  • Why Choose Privacy?

    Why Choose Privacy?

    Why is privacy and the protection of your online data so important, not just for yourself but for others and the very foundation of democracy?

  • For the Act of Social Justice

    For the Act of Social Justice

    Data, in this context, is not just information; it is power. The more we share, the more control we potentially relinquish.

  • Breaching the lines

    Breaching the lines

    Breaching privacy is escalating through the use of modern surveillance technology as a result of law enforcement adapting.

  • The Legal Way

    The Legal Way

    Professor Anne Toomey McKenna looks at the many ways that our information being recorded for these companies is being used. She questions if these ways are legal. She finds that there are many loop holes and ways around collecting this information and how the companies are able to buy it and use it. This creates…

  • We no longer have privacy..

    We no longer have privacy..

    The government can collect data from a google search or see your appointment at an abortion clinic, and then prosecute you for having an illegal abortion.

  • Even On The Web, We Still Have Rights

    Even On The Web, We Still Have Rights

    It’s time to fight back against our data and the way it’s being used to benefit large companies as well as the government.

  • Sensitive Data: Sold

    Sensitive Data: Sold

    Data brokers can legally sell our sensitive data to advertisers and even governments. What do they do with the data, and how can we stop it?

  • Internet Tracking

    Internet Tracking

    Tracking data is an intricate process, as there are multiple facets of an internet users’ data that can be tracked and collected by websites.