Data images moving showing how data is traced and false intentions.

False Intentions To Consumers





What are the False Intentions?

The entire idea of big data is a created narrative, false intentions, from the beginning. It offers false results to the companies who are wanting consumers data, and giving false hopes to consumers. Many consumers are not aware of the ways their information is being used daily. With lack of lack of care, on consumers parts and greedy business practices, our data storage puts users in a cycle. The authors this week challenge the understanding users have. Furthermore they are pushing it further by showing ways around data surveillance online.

Connecting Intentions

Briefly speaking on my Synthesis paper on Identity I said “As humans we are no longer simply on the internet to explore, but to be herded and sold as sheep to the massive companies as information portals and tools”.

Likewise this relates to Reilly this week with, “It is not okay for every move, emotion, utterance, and desire to be catalogued, manipulated , and then used surreptitiously herd us through the future tense for the sake of someone else’s profit.”

Our thought process was the same for this topic. By reaching this understanding of the purpose of the internet users can make informed decisions on their usage. By informing users it allows them to make a conscious decision to use these platforms and tech tools. It is a conscious decision made from the opportunity of receiving knowledge.

False Intentions in Closing.

The idea is to make consumers feel they are in control of their information being processed. Many consumers are uninformed, and working off of false intentions. These articles question if someone were to really teach these skills to users, how much would change in the way they actually use these tools and apps? The main goal is to inform and that will be the start of going against these big data collecting companies.


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