Facial recognition

Am I Recognized?





Not So Easily Recognized

Recognition is leading to false positives in data. Simply using the face can now give great access in life. Living in this new age world it is nice not to always have to keep a password. Recognition by facial analysis is my favorite feature on my iPhone. It makes everything much easier. This feature also faces scrutiny as it has bias deep within its databases and servers. Much like the other tech tools within AI using your face can lead to a case of misidentify if not careful. Joy mentions that “facial recognition technology cannot be fixed with a software patch.” We have seen that these different technologies collecting data, are programmed based on a system that has failed before. Without actually looking into reprogramming the information bias’s there will still continue to be false truths from the data.

Recognitions Leading Data

At some point it is the responsibility of the companies using these data collecting tools to speak up. Asking these companies to address the bias in the way it gather information would be a start. Recognition is leading to false positives in data. If the companies using the services say something it will hold the data collecting corporations accountable. Hearing the voices of those they are servicing can help them to see where they need to change certain information being collected, and how it is collected. Joy mentions the HireVue company. It helps employers collect data from those they interview. The hiring managers preferences would determine who gets the job, even with the tech tools. the information gathered helped them reach this conclusion in future hiring processes. The informations was simply using previous hires to select new ones.

False Positive Conclusion

Overall it seems these AI facial recognition tools mentioned int he article need some work. These companies are doing great things in technology, but they are failing society with the information they are choosing to gather and use. They are hurting and excluding groups of people, and I must say known lying, because they are typically aware of the information being gathered from heir consumers. When someone is finally held accountable it seems this will be the only way to get some type of justice as it pertains to certain minority groups in society. My book report mentioned the ways in which the officers use these tools as ways to solve crimes. Jay mentions how police used these tools to find protesters in 2015. The police department used this data in a disturbing way. They are recognizing the wrongs within the systems, but aren’t taking many steps to fix them.


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