A phone with the instagram application.

Don’t @ me




The 21st century is full of technology and being on the internet. I try to be private on the internet but for my career, it is quite difficult. You see, my goal in life is to teach writing but also publish my first poetry book. In order to get exposure of my work, I must be public on certain socials. Although, I do have two different socials, separating my poetry from my personal life. Somehow they still get connected to each other. Amber Buck wrote a book called “ Grad School 2.0: Performing Professionalism on Social Media”, where she discussed the role of social media for grad students who are trying to connect with scholarly peers. Whilst having their own personal platforms. 

Social media platforms regardless personal or professional will always be bitter sweet. As a scholar and student, we are always looking to expand our connections and put ourselves in the field, even if it is just with a hashtag.  Buck mentioned, “Developing a professional identity in coordination with social media requires graduate students to navigate multiple audiences and figured worlds as they work to develop their own sense of identity as teachers and scholars” (176) Students are ultimately trying to find themselves through social media but also while meeting other students. 

Hide yourself

Now we come to institutions and jobs that are constantly searching for their potential candidates. Sometimes people find it difficult to separate individuals from their social personas in the digital world. A long time ago, probably high school, I completely went private with my Facebook. It’s sole purpose was for my family in Bangladesh to connect with me. I turned on a mode that only suggests me to people who are mutual friends with my family. So, if my professor wanted to find me on Facebook, they could not. Unless they are somehow friends with my uncle who lives in Bangladesh. Certain settings like this are very useful to separate oneself  for a professional setting. 


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