Website database/ excel sheet showcasing cookies that are used for data

It’s Not Just A Game…




As the semester progresses and I delve into the course materials, my understanding of internet privacy and security deepens, revealing the extent of the issues. It’s fascinating because before taking this class, I used to be quite indifferent. However, with each passing week, I find myself becoming increasingly concerned about the implications of my online activities and their potential impact on me.

Stephanie Vie’s article, “Casual Surveillance” it didn’t resonate with me initially because I don’t typically engage in mobile gaming. However, during my younger years, I used to be an avid player. Additionally, on occasion, I download games for either my nephew or myself when I’m bored. Now, I’m beginning to ponder the extent to which my data is gathered and employed, especially within the context of a game. It seems somewhat peculiar, considering that it’s not just my social networks, but even my gaming activities, which are observable to operating entities like This has left me pondering the question: why?

In the reading, “(Un)informed Consent: Studying GDPR consent notices in the field” this was also an enlightening experience for me. Throughout the years, I’ve consistently agreed to accept cookies as a prerequisite for using websites. On one hand, this practice was instilled in me during my school days, where I was advised to always click “accept.” On the other hand, I personally went along with it because I observed that when I declined to accept cookies, the website would either take an exceptionally long time to load or simply wouldn’t load at all.

Primarily, especially after going through these two readings, I find myself scrutinizing every action I take, from using my phone to operating my computer. It’s genuinely unsettling when you take the time to contemplate the intricacies of what occurs behind the screen. This has undeniably opened my eyes to the importance of exercising consent not only in the offline world but also in the online realm.


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