Domination Technation

An illustration of a woman's mind covered by a magnifying glass on a laptop. Pencils, Papers, Mathematical shapes, and other office supplies icons surround the central illustration.

It is impossible to go through our daily lives without relying on the technology of the big tech giants. Amazon, Apple, Microsoft, Google, and others are the dominant tech empires that rule our daily routines. We use phones and computers and tv screens and ipads from these companies everyday. When we send an email, we use technology from Microsoft, google, Apple, Amazon, or another big tech company to do so. We aren’t aware of the surveillance of these internet systems all the time, so we don’t even think about it until we choose to pay attention. Our obligate reliance on the tech of these big tech companies is the results of the Domination Technation-like actions of capitalism. With Tech Company CEO’s like Elon Musk and Bill Gates, what other term would I refer to as other than ‘Domination Technation’?

Impossibility of Divorcing the Domination Technation from Life

‘I Cut the ‘Big Five’ Tech Giants From My Life. It Was Hell’ by Kashmir Hill demonstrates the futility of going a whole month without using any of these technologies. Her attempts to send emails or files to other people was difficult because all of the technology that she relied on up to that point all came from the big tech five that she was trying to cut out of her life. The entertainment systems in her car and in her home were from Microsoft, Amazon, or some other tech giant. She recorded her conversations with a handheld zoom recorder for a podcast.

Her experiment concluded that it was impossible to go through daily routines without any of the tech giants’ products because the big five own over 400 startups and companies. Learning this puts it into perspective as to how entrenched these companies are in society. It’d be pointless to bother trying to be 100% free from a service trying to share your information and data for profit because any service you use is owned by tech giants.


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