Privacy is truly dead




Alice Marwick and Danah Boyd embarks on the subject of privilege and privacy. Whilst discussing the differences of people from other societies, countries and cultures. I started reading this entry and felt as if I was being called out, which I technically was. As mentioned by Marwick and Boyd, individuals care a great deal about privacy, but on the other hand they will give out all of their information for certain platforms. Aka, me. But then, we have underprivileged individuals who need to release their information in order to attain services for basic human necessities.

LGBTQ+ and other countries

Privacy laws in other countries have stronger protection technologies whereas the U.S. struggles in that sense. Additionally, making privacy experiences for those a part of the LGBTQ+ and low income communities much more accessible. Which is obviously terrible because individuals who are higher in status, have a better privacy experience. Alice Marwick and Danah Boyd mention two interviewers named Niki Fritz and Amy Gonzalez who interviewed trans individuals. Unfortunately, the individuals who go to funding events for top surgery end up having to share personal information. Sharing this information helps them connect with the audience and the goal is to donate money. I understand that for certain situations and individual’s needs, sometimes information is needed to move forward. But forcing people who actually cannot be open due to religious affiliations, is ridiculous. Women who wear hijabs, or women who are trying to protect their modesty cannot have their photograph taken. Especially, if a man is taking said picture. A reading I found discussed that in modern society, most of our privacy is political and tracks all of our activity. Ultimately ending up being true. As mentioned in Privacy Is Completely and Utterly Dead, And We Killed It, no matter what, our information is out there and we will literally never get it back. This isn’t surprising because we obviously did this to ourselves,but it’s also very frightening at the same time. 


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