Reading Between the Lines of the Fine Print!





Showing a magnifying glass looking at the words in bold print "Read the Fine Print"

This reading opened up a great question for all of us that are consumed with the internet, even if we don’t like it, which is do we ever really read the fine print. Personally I don’t read all of the fine, which sounds horrible, but then it comes a questions into how much I trust the companies that I use daily on the internet, or even my use on these sites. Beyond the use of the web I may be more intrigued to read the fine print, which sounds a little backwards. If I go to hand banking business or go to a new place to book a venue I may read that contract thoroughly. I would not exert that same energy when it comes to websites, apps, or any website pop ups.

I feel as though when companies are placing these fine prints before it is mainly to protect themselves, which can mean two things. A) the company is only concerned about their wins and losses, and want to make sure they cover all of their bases with their users, or B) they genuinely care about their consumers and want what’s best for them. Now A is a more prominent answer, but as consumers we would that these companies used option B as they dealt with us.

My partner is ver consistent when it comes to reading the fine print of documents no matter where we are and what we are doing, and he has actually shown me some of the ridiculous things that can be read between those fine lines. You would think companies would be number 1 with protecting their consumers, but it’s all about business.

I do not agree with companies sharing information between sites, but I can see how this can help move forward society as well. Collecting data, showing patterns, and truly understanding the consumers helps to advance the way technology and the internet is even used. The sharing of the information does not bother me as much as it can bother other people. Im okay with it as long as it’s being sued in research purposes or to understand me and other consumers better. Fraud activity is the biggest scare away for consumers when it comes to sharing information. We may feel as though something so personal should be kept between the company and us, but yet we still shop, buy and use these sites.


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