Does Anyone Read Fine Print?




I chose this specific reading because I am also curious about why the majority of consumers ignore the fine print. Many of the research outcomes the authors have put together made a lot of sense. For example, on page 3 they had mentioned how shoppers are more likely to read the EULA terms of smaller companies because they are less trusted. Whereas the higher income shoppers who are more “Educated” will read the EULA regardless of company stature. On the works cited page of this reading I found one of the articles used during this research called “The Efficient Regulation of Consumer Information” . This chapter discussed that consumers want less information on a product that’s high in demand. If the product isn’t as popular as other items, consumers will more likely have a desire to try to find further information on it. That definitely makes a lot of sense as to why many people just skim through the fine print. Especially, if they already have some prior knowledge on a product due to its “Hype”. In addition, many consumers would rather not read the fine print because of its length. This discourages the reader completely from understanding the information. The last sentence of the reading was significant as it discussed how companies are trying to inform consumers as much as possible but it seems to be having an opposite effect. The more information that is added, the more consumers will disregard. Above all, I do fall in the category of consumers who disregard the fine print because of its length. But, it is quite comical that companies want their consumers to have knowledge and understand what they are signing up for so they add more and more information which ultimately makes the situation worse. However, we all know that there are companies who may add certain terms and conditions that they will use to their advantage and are not beneficial to us. Yet, we still click “Agree” without a thought.


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