Shows multiple ways humans are surveillance.

Are Humans Living With Nothing To Hide?


To project how many ways surveillance works in todays society.
The many ways surveillance is present.


Simply living in a world where there is possibly nothing to hide has now almost ben used in two major ways when it comes to Government Surveillance of Humans. This would be determined by one, a persons moral conscious. We are not able to trust judge morality off of looking at a person. Two, by simply understanding that based on todays technology, these devices actually know everything about you, so you can’t hide anything anyway. Now you just get over it and exist and adapt to the environments around you.

Humans are always able to to adapt easily. That is why this article by Daniel L. Solove has found so many people who will say the opposite to make their case. If these devices give them no privacy they will shout back, “Well I have nothing to hide anyway.” Which would be a valid point across society if we didn’t have such a complex prison and justice system.

Government Surveillance

Either way you look at it, Government surveillance of humans we are here now and are faced with living a known life. Maybe that is the sole point to guide us to try and be better people in some weird way. Thats hoping that those in office think the way I do, so more than likely no. It has something to do with some type of forever money train they have figured out and simply use on poor consumers who are either knowing or unknowing, but either way complying.

The article mainly focused on the point of surveillance only mattering most when it comes to government surveillance and this is what most people stress the most when looking at the “argument”. We can argue that from the beginning of time people have wanted to protect themselves. They figured out a ways in all time periods to do surveillance over lands and properties. We are now very far advanced in an ageless battle and have come to a whole new level.

Ending on Morality

Going back to my idea on having a moral conscious the article mentions those that may feel embarrassed or ashamed of the unnecessary information that is put out into the world, that necessarily is not a crime or government surveillance of humans, but they just want tit to stay secret. It acknowledges that everyone is different, and the argument of wether or not you have nothing to hide can change.

In a world and time period where so many impossibles have become possible it is hard not to image how extreme things can get around us. The hope is that with this surveillance we will live safer lives and this can truly help decrease crime possibly when looking from a government stand point, which I think is very valid to note. Truly feeling a slight bit more protected as the world can be quite overwhelming.


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