Security helping keep the person safe and out of harms way

Murder She Wrote…





Security helping keep the person safe and out of harms way

This weeks readings put a lot into perspective for me. The death of Privacy was something I haven’t really thought about. But last night on a phone call with my boyfriend, as we dispersed into different topics, one of the topics we talked about was the evolution of the internet. Well the conversation started with how his uncle stepped and broke his Nintendo 64 when he was six years old. But that’s besides the point. Then the conversation just developed further from that. But I told him how cool it was that we were basically part of two eras of the internet. I remember growing up my older sister had the huge chunky computer on her desk that she would sometimes let my sister and I play games on. But I also remember how our first laptop would only work if we connected the phone line cable. My mom would only let my sister do that for two hours max daily, then she needed the cable back so she could receive phone calls. Now the internet is in a whole new era. We can access it on our phones, TV, and computers. But now that has created a whole privacy issue because of this development and the way we give up all of our information for it. It’s kind of like what Morgan said, at one point he was just signing up for Facebook, now he is giving access to all of his data and the whole internet has it. I feel the same way, at one point I was using the phone line cable to use the internet to play games, now I’m also letting large companies and the internet have access to all my date in exchange of an app. Sounds kind of crazy doesn’t it?

I’m not too sure if we can pull out a uno reverse card on this one. I think we might be too deep in the trenches for that. But I am certain that there is something we can do if we can’t have privacy, we should at least be able to have security. After all if privacy is really dead, we don’t want security to follow. I don’t agree with exchange of using an app a company needs to have such personal information on us. There should be limits and boundaries. Laws now should be created and placed with the ever-changing and growth of the Internet and what exactly is okay and what is not. Just so that we as humans are protected. Like I said, we are too deep in the trenches but I do believe we can at least advocate for new laws or a new system that will bring us some level of security and maybe back some privacy.


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