Photo shows many individual thinking of different forms of digital tools for writing.

Digital Literacy : Advancement, Adjustments, and Placements 




Both reading do a great job of demonstrating the vast ways in which Digital Literacy has come about and unfolded over long periods of time. Through many levels and stages that it took to reach where we are in currently with technology advancements and this climate we are way more advanced then those who have come before us but due to their findings we have created many new ways to use old technology. It is believed that we are to know where we have come from to know where we are going, and this can be said about the history given to us on these different digital literacies.

Taking a look at the ways digital literacy and social aspects of life collaborate on many occasions also has a lot to do with how much further we have come in this aspect. With out communications ideas would not be expressed, and therefore unheard. With these new forms of digital communication and digital literacy it has created a gateway from people to connect and be heard by audience they may not have heard them in another setting, or if they ever even met. 

It was interesting learning how things came about all through the ideas of humans and I believe it is Dennis baron who has the idea of being a humanist but truly enjoying the ways in which technology has helped his writing. I agree 100% as a writer ! I though this was a very good point that was made by the author in showing how he can even be persuaded with the advancements created through digital technology advances. 

The thought of evolution would of course be related her as it references to way things evolve around us constantly and as humans we are able to adapt and use it for how we see best fit. That is how new ideas are truly able to come about, through the learning of our past and how those before us thought to get us here .

The Power of Literacy


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